Welcome to:
Wetfan's Photo Collection
of Wet Shoes & Stockings!

High quality Photos of Ladies getting their feet wet.

The purpose of this site is allow enthusiasts of this theme to share and exchange photos from their personal collections of original material. We actively solicit contributions from others. For this site to succeed (continue), we must have signs of interest; (e.g., contributions) from those who enjoy the site.

Since we do not sell our material the only "return" we get for all this work is:
A) Personal satisfaction in creating and running an admired site, and,
B) New pictures (contributions) from others.

While we can understand the plethora of excuses from folks about their wives/girlfriends not wanting their pictures to be seen on the net for fear of being recognized and embarrassed, we find such excuses hard to accept when you are only showing wet shoes/hose!

We will be initially updating once a month. Depending on the level of contributions (if any) then updates will be done more frequently.

For our mutual pleasure,


To Wetfan's Original Photos.

To Wetfans

To Wetfans

To Wetfans

To Wetfans

To Wetfans

To Wetfans

To Wetfans

To Wetfans

To Contributors' Original Photos.

And we do have some lovely contributions!
Many thanks to:

To Contributors

from Ron Brown

To Contributors

from Besi

To Contributors

from Lisa Bubbles

To Contributors

from Scott Bialek

To Contributors

from Jmm

To Contributors

from Tom

To Contributors

from Jim

To Contributors

from Amberly

To Contributors
Your Contribution?

To Contributors
Your Contribution?

To Contributors
Your Contribution?

To Contributors
Your Contribution?

Please send your original contributions and comments to: